Saturday, January 24, 2009

When Deer Fight Back!!

So yesterday I was riding with Isaac on some new roads and some crazy things went down. We were descending a pretty big hill hitting speeds around 40mph when suddenly a big buck came running across the road right in front of Isaac. POW!!! Isaac smashes into this deer going 37mph. His bike stops and he goes flying and then slides about 40 feet down the road. I honestly thought he might of been dead. I was a few feet back when all this happened. I locked up my brakes just in time to miss Isaac on the road.

He got road rash everywhere!


Saved his Life.

Broken front wheel, broken shifter were the only small damages to his bike. How crazy. Pam came out to pick Isaac up and I continued on my way getting 2 more hours in. Bonked bad!


PONY SHOP said...

That is insane. I'm glad Isaac is alright.

BVDG said...

jesus dude! killing deers is metal. under Indiana law its yours to eat if you can find it, just sayin'.